Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby Noah Dalton Bernotski

And indeed, while we were at Brianhead, Jessica called to say the baby would be born by c-section on the following Tuesday. We checked out of our condo and came right home to prepare to leave on Sunday. Dear Tyson gave me a "buddy pass" on Frontier Airlines to fly to St Louis. Jared picked me up at the airport. It was so great to see Jessica and Luke when we got home to Waynesville. Jessica and I enjoyed the day on Monday riding down to a neighboring town to antique shop and have lunch. Tuesday she and Jared left for the hospital in St. Roberts around 9:00 AM. She called me back to say that the doctor put someone ahead of her who was an emergency so she finally delivered around 2:00 PM. That evening Luke and I went to the hospital to see the brand new little baby boy and Jessica. He weighed a few ounces over 10 pounds. He was perfect in every way. Jessica had some issues with blood pressure and bleeding, but she got to feeling better in a couple of days. He was born on September 30. I stayed with them until October 15th and then Karen Bernotski came and stayed with them until the end of the month. Luke is only 17 months so she needed the help. Kimberly flew out and spent a week so we really had a good time. Kim and I flew home the same day. It was a wonderful and special time for me.

We made three trips to Salt Lake in November. On Nov. 1, Kimberly was in a wonderful chorus who sang at the Tabernacle; on Nov. 14, Miranda was in "Sussical", and we went up for Thanksgiving with Troy and Candace. It was our family's "off" year for Thanksgiving. We had a nice time.

We took Jessica and the baby boys to Salt Lake to spend some time with sisters on December 20th. We were able to see Tayler in a cute play produced by the Draper Community Theater group. Bruce and I came home the next day on Sunday, had Monday to get everything ready to leave for Christmas holiday, went to serve in the Temple on Tuesday, and then we went on down to Keri's where we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It was such a beautiful time. We rode downtown with them to feed the homeless which they along with the neighbors do every year. It was very touching. The highlight of Christmas was talking to our missionary, Elder Adam Lords. It was so sweet to hear his voice and hear his testimony and what his mission is like. He was transferred to a new area with a new companion just a few days before Christmas, but he was still positive, excited, and focused on the work. We had a most wonderful Christmas Eve dinner. On Friday we all left to go to Salt Lake. We enjoyed our time in Salt Lake--the best Holiday every! We came home on Friday, Jan 2. Bruce and I both had eye appointments. I will need to go back to Salt Lake for cataract surgery. Bruce had an appointment with Dr. Wagner and had a lumbar puncture on December 31.

We are so grateful for this past 2008. We had many wonderful experiences and opportunities. We are so grateful and blessed with a wonderful family, and we are so grateful for our testimonie of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are so thankful for His atonement which provides for al of us the opportunity to live again with him. I pray that we will all be worthy.